Thursday, August 9, 2007

An Amazing Month!

We have approached the end of our month long assignment at Crooked Creek Ranch, one of Young Life's properties near Winter Park, Colorado. As Rob puts it, Sawyer has now spent a fourth of his life at Young Life camp. I think he might be bored once we get home because, literally, hundreds of people won't be giving him attention on a daily basis. Our month here has been amazing, and God has blessed us with so many great stories to share and new friendships that will last a lifetime. Each week brought new campers along with new challenges and new adventures. Hundreds, that's right, hundreds of kids have met Christ this month. How incredible is that! This last week has proven to be the most powerful and life changing for all of us. This week, there are over 100 kids here with a variety of disabilities ranging from Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Autism, to other mental and physical challenges. It is called Capernaum week, named for the town in the Bible where Jesus healed a lame man. I can't even begin to describe the joy, laughter, passion and enthusiasm that has been present in the lives of these kids here this week. They absolutely love life! Not to mention, they love Jesus and they are not afraid to make that known. These are kids who have every reason to be sad, angry or bitter, and yet they display more satisfaction for life than those of us who are perfectly healthy, both physically and mentally. What a humbling experience to be in the presence of such pure and unconditional contentment and love!
My new friend, Corin, is severely autistic and cannot communicate verbally. She simply grunts, and if she likes you, she stands in front of you and claps your hands together over and over again - for as long as you will let her. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time clapping this week. She is, however, able to type on a special keyboard, and today she typed that she loves camp and she loves Jesus. Wow!
Lauren, another girl who is autistic, loved on Sawyer several times this week. Although, she showed no emotion-ever, her leader said that was the happiest she had been in a long time. Who knew God would use Sawyer while we were here.
I could go on and on with stories, but I will end with what happened today. After club this morning, Scott, the speaker, had just spoken about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, and he gave the leaders the opportunity to wash the feet of their kids. I get teary eyed once again just reflecting on a room full of "able bodied" people washing the feet of their disabled friends. One cute little girl near us heard that and said, "I already took a shower today. I don't need my feet washed." However, one girl, Nicole, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy, touched my heart and I will remember the moment forever. Her feet are extremely deformed and she does not have control over her legs because of what is happening to her muscles. As her leader removed her socks and began to wash her feet, Nicole wept. She new the meaning of what was happening and was overcome with emotion. As Nicole's legs and feet flailed about, her leader gently washed and wiped her precious, twisted feet. During the event, the whole room was moved and overwhelmed with emotion as every kid experienced having their feet washed by a loving friend. It was amazing!
I am changed because of these kids!
Here are a few photos from our time at Crooked Creek.

As you can see, Sawyer has grown so much since we have been here. He had his 4 month birthday while at Crooked Creek.

This is my friend, Corin, resting after the entire camp went on a hike. Even the kids in wheel chairs made the hike! It was incredible to watch.

This is a picture taken during the foot washing. Amazing!

A little family time at the pool. Sawyer went for his first swim while at camp. You can tell by the picture that mommy didn't want his sweet skin to get sun burned.

Just me and the boy hanging out in the cabin. We spent some good quality time together while Rob was serving kids!

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