My sweet husband who has been working his tail off all month will probably return home tired and ready for a vacation. God has truly blessed Rob with so many gifts, especially the gift of humor, and it is so much fun to see him in action here at camp. God is truly using Rob and his team to break down walls with these kids. I am amazed by my husband and didn't think I could love him any more than I did already - but I do!
At Say So for week two, 133 kids stood up to declare that they began a relationship with Christ while here at camp. INCREDIBLE!!! God is good! Here are a few more pictures from week two at camp. Again, they are mostly pics of Sawyer. However, I did include a few of Rob in character. One of his characters is a super hero named Iron Man and his introduction is this:
"I am Iron Man. I carry double barrelled irons and starch in a can. Whenever I see an evil crease, I flatten it with one of these (his irons) Mary Kate or Ashley."
His sidekick is Helium Guy. He is armed with a fist full of balloons and hands that fly. He makes balloon animals - mostly snakes and birds of prey.
Oxygen girl joins them later.
Obviously it is not even close to being funny to you guys, but they are very good at being super heroes and very good at making the campers laugh! There is also a picture of one of Rob's characters, Manna Montana - he's a mountain man from Montana who lives in a van down by the river. It's a spoof from Chris Farley's motivational speaker character. Again, very funny!!! I don't have pictures yet, but Rob also plays a Cub Scout named Sherman who is trying to earn his Science badge.
Other pictures include our entire assigned team, the work crew, and Sawyer hanging with his peeps - all the cute girls that love on him constantly.
This is my favorite picture ever!!! What cute boys!